Content IPRax-Issue 4/2017 (July 2017)
C. Kohler:
Limits of mutual trust in the European judicial area: the judgment of the ECtHR in Avotiņš v. Latvia | 333 |
S. L. Gössl:
Art. 10a EGBGB - The Proposed Article 10a EGBGB: A Conflict of Laws Rule Supplementing the Proposed Gender Diversity Act (Geschlechtervielfaltsgesetz) | 339 |
Decisions Review
R. Geimer:
Vertragsbruch durch Hoheitsakt: „Once a trader, not always a trader?“ – Immunitätsrechtlicher Manövrierspielraum für Schuldnerstaaten? (BGH, S. 370; OLG Oldenburg, S. 373; OLG Köln, S. 378; OLG Schleswig, S. 386) | 344 |
P. Mankowski:
Occupied and annected territories in private international law (OLG München, S. 395) | 347 |
F. Eichel:
Cross-border service of claim forms and priority of proceedings in case of missing or poor translations (AG Leverkusen, S. 396) | 352 |
P. Huber:
A new judgment on a well-known issue: contract and tort in European Private International Law (EuGH, S. 396) | 356 |
D. Martiny:
Compensation claims by motor vehicle liability insurers in tractor-trailer accidents having German and Lithuanian connections (EuGH, S. 400) | 360 |
P.-A. Brand:
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Cartel Damages Claims (LG Düsseldorf, S. 403) | 366 |
A. Schreiber:
Granting of reciprocity within the German-Russian recognition practice (OLG Hamburg, S. 406) | 368 |
Reviewed Decisions
16, 17, 18, 19 | BGH, OLG Oldenburg, OLG Köln, OLG Schleswig | 8.3.2016, 18.4.2016, 12.5.2016, 7.7.2016 | VI ZR 516/14, 13 U 43/15, 8 U 44/15, 5 U 84/15 | Vertragsbruch durch Hoheitsakt: „Once a trader, not always a trader?“ -Immunitätsrechtlicher Manövrierspielraum für Schuldnerstaaten? [R. Geimer, S. 344] | 373 |
20 | OLG München | 18.12.2015 | 12 UF 1239/15 | Occupied and annected territories in private international law [P. Mankowski, S. 347] | 295 |
21 | AG Leverkusen | 7.10.2015 | 25 C 514/14 | Cross-border service of claim forms and priority of proceedings in case of missing or poor translations [F. Eichel, S.352] | 396 |
22 | EuGH | 14.7.2016 | Rs. C-196/15 | A new judgment on a well-known issue: contract and tort in European Private International Law [P. Huber, S. 356] | 396 |
23 | EuGH | 21.1.2016 | Rs. C-359/14 | Compensation claims by motor vehicle liability insurers in tractor-trailer accidents having German and Lithuanian connections [D. Martiny, S. 360] | 400 |
24 | LG Düsseldorf | 19.11.2015 | 14d O 4/14 | Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in Cartel Damages Claims [P.-A. Brand, S. 366] | 403 |
25 | OLG Hamburg | 13.7.2016 | 6 U 152/11 | Granting of reciprocity within the German-Russian recognition practice [A. Schreiber, S. 368] | 406 |
View to Decisions
26 | OLG Köln | 8.7.2016 | 1 U 36/13 | Zu den Restitutionsansprüchen der Erben eines jüdischen Kunsthändlers, der aufgrund des Verfolgungsdrucks des NS-Regimes im Jahr 1937 zum Verkauf seines Galeriebetriebs gezwungen war. [E.J.] | 410 |
View to Abroad
K. Siehr:
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. International Jurisdiction and Choice of the Applicable Law for Divorce of a Mixed Italian-American Marriage (Tribunale di Pordenone, 14.10.2014) | 411 |
M. Wietzorek:
Concerning the Recognition and Enforcement of German Decisions in the Republic of Zimbabwe | 415 |
A. Anthimos:
Winds of change in the recognition of foreign adult adoption decrees in Greece (Plenum des Areopags 9/2016) | 419 |
M. Dietrich:
Internationalizing the Conflict of Laws Restatement –Symposium zum Restatement Third of Conflict of Laws an der Duke Law School vom 4. bis 5.11.2016 | 420 |
C. Schmitz/E. Gubenko:
Die Europäischen Güterrechtsverordnungen Wissenschaftliches Symposium in Würzburg | 422 |
E. Jayme/S. Seeger:
Das Vermögensstatut in Ehe- und Erbrecht aus portugiesischer und deutscher Sicht unter Berücksichtigung der jüngsten europäischenVerordnungen – Tagung in Lissabon | 424 |
International Agreements | 425 |
Publication | 425 |
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