Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Erik Jayme (†)

Prof. Jayme, born in 1934 in Montréal, Canada, and died on May 1st 2024, was last professor ordinarius of civil law, private international law, and comparative law at the University of Heidelberg as well as managing director of the Institute for Foreign and Private International and Commercial Law of the same university.
He was a member of the „Institut de Droit International“ (Institute of Private International Law), of which he was president from 1997 to 1999, and of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law.
Prof. Jayme was the first recipient of the State Research Award of Baden-Württemberg (1989). In 1991 he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree by the University of Ferrara, and in 2000, the title "Doctor et Professor Honoris Causa" by the University of Budapest. He was a permanent member of the “Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé” (International Academy of Comparative Law, Paris) and a member of the Philosophical History Class of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences.